project cover-foodmate

This application is designed for reducing food waste by keeping food records personally and introducing social features.

There is more than enough food produced in the world to feed everyone on the planet. Roughly one third of the food produced that is intended for human consumption every year- around 1.3 billion tons andvalued at USD$1 trillion- is wasted or lost. This is enough to feed 3 billion people.

Foodmate prototype


Food waste in the home is often caused bybuying too much and not managing it wellenough to remember to eat it on time.There are also some people who live alonebut buy too much unnecessary food.

Current solution

Users scan or manually enter informationfor food management, with the mainfunction of shelf life reminder. Usually single function, relatively lowpopularity, low user recognition.

NEW Concept

Create a new platform that allows users to not only manage their food, but to cook with ingredients they already have and even share with friends if they get bored with cooking or can't deal with it on time.
